Steps for Trademark Registration in USA

  • Comprehensive Search
  • Filing of Application
  • Preliminary Examination
  • Response to Examination Report (If any Objections)
  • Publication in office gazette
  • Printing in Trademarks Journal
  • Opposition period (30 DAYS)
  • Issuance of Registration Certificate if not Opposed by the third party
  • Maintenance after Registration
  • Renewal of the Registration (after 10 years)

To file a Trademark application in the USA, it requires information related to goods and services classification for which the mark will be used. At the time of filing trademark application you must provide the information whether you are already using the trademark in commerce or you are intending to use it in future. If you are intending to use the trademark in future, you will have to file the Statement of Use once the Notice of Allowance will be issued. If you are already using the Trademark, you must provide the first use of the trademark in commerce date or anywhere, whether the trademark is a word, logo, slogan or its combined.

Sample text lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dignissim odio non orci placerat, ut tincidunt nisl fermentum. Nulla fermentum est ac enim tempus ullamcorper. Maecenas quis nulla id sem lacinia venenatis quis in purus. Suspendisse potenti.


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Trademark Must Use In Commerce

If you did not start using the Trademark and you planned to start using it in 5-6 months, you can choose the professional Package and our special development team will create a website for you which will meet the requirements. This includes a standard website.

Trademark Intended To Use

If you did not start using the Trademark and you planned to start using it in 5-6 months, you can choose the professional Package and our special development team will create a website for you which will meet the requirements. This includes a standard website.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use , for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise.

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