

Pay as you go

Features Included

  • Comprehensive Trademark Search
  • Trademark Application Preparation
  • Comprehensive Search and Analysis



All in One

Features Included

  • All standard features +
  • Trademark Search Globally
  • Comprehensive Search and Analysis
  • Detailed Analysis report
  • Issuance of Registration Certificate



Full Assurance + Extras

Features Included

  • All Premiun Features &
  • Domain Name Registration (Standard
  • Standard Website Development
  • Post 6 months Brand Protection Consultation

Steps for Trademark Registration in the UK

  • Comprehensive Search
  • Filing of Application
  • Preliminary Examination
  • Response to Examination Report (If any Objections)
  • Publication in office gazette
  • Printing in Trademarks Journal
  • Opposition period (60 DAYS)
  • Issuance of Registration Certificate if not Opposed by the third party
  • Maintenance after Registration
  • Renewal of the Registration (after 10 years)

One of the most effective ways to get protection for your business in the United Kingdom is Trademark registration through the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office. A person may get protection of an unregistered trademark in the United kingdom as well which will start from the day of using the trademark. For an unregistered trademark, you cannot use or ® with the trademark. The unregistered trademark can be enforced in the UK under the law of passing off. However, the unregistered trademark may not be claimed on any of the online platforms, for example Amazon, eBay, Walmart or other online marketplaces. The better protection is to get your trademark registered properly so you may claim your trademark anywhere online or offline and may use ® with your trademark which may be aware to the third parties of your trademark protection rights. 

The procedure of trademark registration in the United kingdom is simple like other few countries. However, the procedure likelihood of confusion may be decided by the third parties. The procedure of registration in the United Kingdom may be considered as one of the fastest processes as compared to the other national intellectual property offices (IPO Offices).


Trademark Process

The Trademark Registration process in the UK is one of the fastest processing as compared to any other IPO office. Unlike the USA or CA, the UK does not perform prior likelihood examination, however, UK leaves such examination and discretion to the third parties whether to oppose such trademark or not. In UK examiner does not reject the trademark application on the basis of similar trademarks.  

Law of Trademarks in the United Kingdom

In UK trademark law is governed under the Trademark Act 1994, the Trademark regulation 2018 

(Trademark directive (2015/2436) and the trademark regulation (2017/1001). 

The relevant authorities are the United Kingdom Intellectual Property office (the “UKIPO”), 

the High Court of England and Wales, the court of session in Scotland and the High Court of Northern Ireland. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The initial examination takes 1-4 weeks from the date of application. 
The total procedure is about 90 days if no threatening opposition filed by any party., 
If any party opposes the trademark, you will have the option either to withdraw the application or contest the opposition. You can further discuss with our legal representative if faces such a situation. 
You cannot register the trademarks that are mere descriptive, the trademarks which cause public disorder, generic terms used in our daily life, state names, national flags, emblems of international organizations, marks that do not demonstrate distinct characteristics, geographical indication and location names.
The trademark opposition period is for 60 days. 
The trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of application. You can renew your trademark after every 10 years. 
If you are facing any dispute, opposition, cancellation, lawsuit, we can provide your ADR services and try to save you from heavy costs. For ADR, please contact our legal representative. 

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